Bill Prihoda is a co-founder and principal of the Priton Group and leads the technical and professional services teams at TPG. Having spent the last 10 year focused on design, deployment and support of our various scan, storage and workflow process solutions, Bill brings a wealth of experience and creativity to solve our client’s challenges.
Prior to founding TPG, Mr. Prihoda became a leader in the computer and document management industries, handling both sales and technology management responsibilities in the Midwest for over 20 years.
Mr. Prihoda's industry certifications include Certified Document Imaging Architect (CDIA), Enterprise Content Management Practitioner (ECMP) and Information Organization and Access Practitioner (IOAP), as well as partner certifications of FBCA, FBCE and FBCP encompassing Architecture, Engineering and Programming aspect of our solutions.
Jack Arnston is a co-founder and principal of The Priton Group. With over 30 years of industry experience, he began his career providing Computer Output to Microfiche (COM) and data entry services. As the digital age emerged he moved to Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) and later to advanced process driven workflow solutions. Mr. Arnston has worked on advisory councils for leading industry manufacturers helping to shape the direction of their products. He has been asked to speak in front of both industry and user groups.
Mr. Arnston is a past president of the Midwest AIIM Chapter. He has numerous industry certifications including Certified Document Imaging Architech (CDIA), Enterprise Content Management Practitioner (ECMP) and Information Organization and Access Practitioner (IOAP). He can be reached at 608.438.3322.