Managed Services: Protecting Your Investment
Our dedicated and highly skilled Managed Services team is here to help you obtain maximum ROI from your FileBound solution. We listen, we troubleshoot, we consult. Most importantly, we connect you with the best practices and resources needed to drive results. As things change within your organization your system may require fine tuning. Our Managed Services team proactively engages with your organization to assure you that you are operating at peak efficiency, thus protecting your investment.
Leveraging Changes in Technology
When your system is new you leverage the latest technology to efficiently process your information. Over time technology improves and provides increased functionality. Our Managed Services program is designed to continually monitor and evaluate technology and industry advances to assure that you are always benefitting from advancements that
provide even greater efficiencies and value.

Choose the Plan That's Right for You
Our choices of Silver, Gold and Platinum plans allow you to select a plan that is right for you.

Managed Support – provides regular maintenance and support, along with system enhancements on an affordable and predictable payment plan.
Proactive Tuning –using allocated hours to analyse your system and apply appropriate improvements.
Online Reporting – using TPG’s customer portal, create a support ticket, review your past maintenance records, see current projects and manage new projects.
Executive Access – principals of TPG will meet with you on an annual basis to discuss your business objectives and discuss how your system compliments those objectives.
Accumulation – utilize up to two months unused hours for new initiatives.
Providing Value Throughout the Year
Our Managed Services program insures you receive the maximum value for your support dollars. Our team will actively engage with you throughout the year to find opportunities to continually improve your system. Whether basic user support to complex enhancements, this program covers it all. Read the list below for examples of types of services offered under this plan.
Designed to provide all-inclusive care, managed services can be applied to all of your Enterprise Content needs including; General User Questions - Navigation through the FB User Interface, Navigation through the Viewer, User Preferences (i.e. User Information, UI preferences and setup, password management, saved searches), Workspace setup and management, Workflow Assignment Screen. Workflow - Assistance with general maintenance of existing workflows (i.e. publishing, assignment moves, etc.), Basic Debugging Eval and Resolution Advice, Feature and User Support of Existing Workflows, Advisory Support of Client Created Workflow. E-Forms - Portal Management, Forms Settings Management, Break/Fix Support of Existing Forms Features, Advisory Support of Client Created Forms. Document Viewer - Viewer Preferences, Related Files and Documents, General Viewer Navigation and Use. Use Support of Additional FB Modules - FileBound Capture, Importer Pro, FileBound Connect, Integration Platform. Administrative Configuration and Maintenance - Advisory Support of All Currently Configured Administrative Features - Main Options, Projects, Groups, Users, Vendors, System Errors, Widgets, Automation. Software Upgrades and Resultant Configuration Adjustments - FileBound Capture, Importer Pro, FileBound Connect, Integration Platform, PSIGEN Capture, Ancora Capture, Custom Programs and Scripts developed by TPG. Advanced Support Items - Creation of new FileBound Projects (i.e. Human Resources project and related projects), Creation of New E-Forms, Significant Modifications of Existing E-Forms (Design or Function), Creation of New Workflows, Significant Modifications of Existing Workflow (Design or Function), New or Significant Modifications of Enterprise Automation Processes, Custom Coded Tools or Solutions, FileBound Widgets, FileBound Plugins, Custom PowerShell Scripts, E-Form Code Extensions (HTML, JQuery, Javascript, etc.), New Employee or Team Training.