Tomorrow evening the President delivers the State of the Union Address to members of Congress. Within that speech he will include a budgetary message and economic report, along with his vision for the direction of the country. Last week we had an opportunity to participate in a FileBound conference in Chicago, and heard the State of FileBound as delivered by their General Manager, Jon Eilers.
In Mr. Eilers message we were reminded of the ground work that took place last year to improve infrastructure with the move to Amazon Web Services. He shared how the strategic decision to purchase Advanced Processing and Imaging has lead to the groundbreaking FileBound Connect product. There was a renewed investment in marketing, the introduction of the Upland University online training site, the formation of the Partner Advisory Board, the addition of personnel on the development side and the overall push to continue to improve the product and services they provide. He also shared his vision for moving forward with important new features that will continue to evolve the product and the way it can impact organizations.
FileBound relies on a group of resellers spread throughout the globe. This message is important to all of us resellers, as it provides clarity in both the product and direction of the company. It is this also the message that we share with both our current and prospective clients. For all of us at The Priton Group we came away reenergized and excited at the prospects ahead of us.
This past year for The Priton Group was significant as well. As we continue to grow by adding new clients and staff, we continue to find creative ways to help our clients reach their goals. Our solutions are continually evolving, improving and breaking new ground. We have had the opportunity to take many organizations and reimagine their processes and create powerful solutions to their document management needs. This typically includes workflows and system integration, that makes workers more efficient. Powerful analytic tools help management better understand their processes and manage their workers.
Nearly a month into 2018 we envision an exciting and busy year as we continue to grow and improve to provide better systems and support for all. For us it starts with growth and expansion. That began with the new addition of a technical resource and will include the move to a new and larger facility. Additional training for our employees to make them more knowledgeable about our products and valuable to our clients. Further investment with our primary manufacturers will insure a cohesive sales and support environment. And, we will continue to invest in our core competences with the vision of providing better solutions for more organizations at fair prices.
All of us at The Priton Group are excited with the start of 2018 and the road in front of us. Our passion for providing the best solutions and support for our clients will continue to propel us into the future. Our dedicated employees will continue to work hard to service our customers in a sincere, meaningful way that will benefit us all. And our partners, like FileBound, will continue to complement all that we do.
So here is to an exciting and action packed 2018. My hope is that all of you also have a vision and direction for moving forward and growing both personally and professionally.
Jack Arnston is a Principal at The Priton Group. He can be reached at jarnston@pritongroup.com.